I am a Frontend Developer that is currently
studying at the University of Buffalo.
I offer service such as, website desgin,
website maintenance, and website template.
I went to Libby High School in the state of Montana and placed 5 overall in my grduating class. I participated in Cross Country Running, Track and Field, Cross Country Skiing, class secretary, and Science Olympiad.
Currently I am studying at the University at Buffalo, majoring in Computer Engineering. Last semester, I made it onto the Dean's List with an GPA of 3.68. I have basic Knowledge in Python, Java, and HTML/CSS.
During high school, I was involved in an club called Business Professionals of America(BPA). There I developed an website for an competition, which won me 6th place. You could visit it in the experience page.
During the summer of 2022 I went to a summer camp for Game Desgin. There I desgined a walking simulator which i did not publish. However I did publish a parkour simulator which, you can visit in the experience page.